Project 6 - Space Partitioning

Tracing rays through triangular meshes has been drastically sped up due to partitioning space with bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) structures. This ensures that the ray-triangle intersection code is only being called for rays nearly hitting those triangles, rather than calling this function for all triangles every time a ray hits the object’s bounding box. It is interesting to note that the bounding boxes we used last project actually slow down the BVH structures, since we are essentially using a computation twice (checking the root node of the BVH and also the bounding box for the object). Lastly, computation times are shown for our box scene using two different ray-triangle intersection algorithms: the 2D area-based algorithm described in class and the Moller-Trumbore algorithm.

Box Scene (with teapot)

Box Scene (area–2D intersection)

Comparing Algorithms



ray-triangle algorithm BVH w/o BB BVH w/ BB BB none
2D triangle areas 2.631 s 3.055 s 5 min 11.704 s 30 m 20.151 s
Moller-Trumbore 2.478 s 2.919 s 3 min 00.762 s 17 m 01.971 s